Magnetic sensors have progressed from mechanical coil and thin-film types such as Hall and MR sensors to micro-sized highly sensitive sensors such as GMR and MI sensors based on special spin structures. Their applications have expanded to a wide range of fields such as industrial, automotive, and magnetic head applications. Mobile-phone, automotive, and bio-magnetic fields have recently been highlighted for magnetic sensor applications. This seminar will introduce developments and market trends in these fields focusing on the development of MI sensors.
本讲座主要介绍磁传感器的进步和超高感度磁传感器-MI sensor。包括 MI Sensor 的特征:超高感度、耗电、超高速测量,以及研发中的第3代超小型MI Sensor 的介绍.
Time: 8/24/2014 (Sunday), 1:00PM -- 3:00PM
Venue: 1320 Ridder Park Dr. (AvagoTech), San Jose, 95131
About the speaker:
本蔵義信(YoshinnobuHonkura),原日本爱知制钢Senior board director,电磁事业部本部长. 磁性材料,磁传感器的专家,企业家。曾荣获丰田,博世科技创新奖及多项日本国家科技奖。现任日本磁性学会MSJ 副会长 (vice president of the Magnetics Society of Japan), MagneDesign 创始人(President of Magnedesign corporation)。在磁性材料,磁传感器异向性磁铁,马达设计,领域有500个以上专利,20多篇重要论文。