
标题: 搬家清家具床书桌柜子椅子沙发等白菜价 [打印本页]

作者: 大海    时间: 2016-4-2 23:55
标题: 搬家清家具床书桌柜子椅子沙发等白菜价
Due to moving, there are some furnitures to be sold.
They are mostly like new and good in nice prices.
1. 书桌(包含书架抽屉和柜子)Desk includes shelf and huge space for storing other things - 50usd
2.单人床(有床架席梦思)Bed for single person - 92usd
3.白色橱柜 White closet/cabinet -90usd
4.白色床头柜 White Bedside table -30usd
5.三星32寸电视显示屏 a Sumsung 32`` TV (didn't even use it)-150usd
6.两只白色办公椅Two white office chairs -60usd
7.两只普通的椅子Two chairs- 50usd
8.一个沙发 可伸展 A sofa (can be transformed to a bed)- 85usd
多个一起走可以便宜, 地区在南湾。

联系电话 4086804206 郑女士

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