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“策马奔腾”2014七彩星球艺术团“新春”音乐会(Colorful P...









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发表于 2014-1-2 12:15:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
“策马奔腾”2014七彩星球艺术团“新春”音乐会(Colorful Planet Spring Festival Recital)Colorful Planet Children's Performing Arts TroupeSaturday, February 15, 2014 from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PST)Santa Clara, California

Come join amazing and fabulous variety music recital on February 15, 2014 in Spring Festival seasons. This Stunning recital brings together east and west culture; classical and contemporary; young artists and professional singers who won international vocal competitions.Ticketing: Early Bird: $20/per, After February 1st, 2014: $25/per, Student: $15/per, Group Discount: (Minimum: 4) $15/per“策马奔腾辞旧岁,祥云瑞彩迎新春!”2014年2月15日晚7:30,七彩星球艺术团的孩子们将为您呈现一台精彩纷呈的音乐会,节目中有艺术团受邀在奥斯卡颁奖舞台杜比剧院演出的重唱曲目,有在中央电视台录制的表演唱和独唱节目,有在全美多次获奖的双钢琴协奏曲节目,音乐会还邀请曾多次参加央视文化部春节晚会演出的专业歌唱家洪芳和青歌赛获奖专业歌唱家宋晓花,以及著名钢琴家唐圣馨和潘琳也将登台献艺。音乐会策划和全体演职人员感谢每一位观众的光临,希望大家一起度过这个被动听旋律环绕的美妙夜晚!票价:早期$20/人,2月1日后$25/人,学生票$15/张, 团购票:$15/张(4张起) 七彩星球艺术团Colorful Planet Children's Performing Arts Troupe

作为专业的儿童声乐艺术团,我们的目标是教育,训练和发展学生为最优秀的歌唱表演艺术家。通过参加我们的全年培训计划,并参与到CCTV中央电视台的录制这样高水准的系列舞台表演机会中,我们的每一个团员都将朝着专业的声乐表演道路中稳步前行。自2013年6月6日成立至今,表演团已经接受到世界顶级剧场和各类大型音乐文化节的邀请,其中包括CCTV中央电视台北美综艺盛典(2013年8月8日),奥斯卡颁奖礼杜比剧院的音乐秀(2013年10月27日,容纳3400观众的奥斯卡颁奖舞台,伴奏为洛杉矶联合乐队90名专业音乐家。),接受加州州政府的邀请后,孩子们还将参与2014年2月加州州政府和CFCA共同举办的首届北美文化艺术节,和来自中国民间音乐家协会的30名顶尖艺术家同台演出。作为专业儿童钢琴和器乐表演团队,我们的目标是教育,训练和发展学生成为最顶尖出色的音乐家。同时通过大量的协奏,重奏,我们表演的曲目覆盖了包罗万象的音乐素材和体裁风格,舞台表演技巧和提供给最杰出的团员当今世界最专业的表演平台。 As a Vocal Performance Troupe, our goal is to educate, train and develop students into the best vocalists they can be. After participating in our year-round teaching program, CCTV filming and other stage performance opportunities, all members should grow and develop as professional performers. We hope to provide every child the opportunity to sing solo. Since its establishment on June 6, 2013, Our Children were invited to participate in many International music events which have led the world in presenting the finest artists at a culture celebration which are known and admired across the globe, such as CCTV Show US Gala( August 8,2013) , Hollywood Oscar Stage “Dolby Theatre” (October 27, 2013, in front of 3400 audiences and accompanied by 90-members professional Los Angeles United Orchestra Symphony), and First North American Cultural Arts Festival hosted by California State Government and CFCA. As a Piano/Instrumental Troupe, our goal is to educate, train, and develop students into the best musicians they can be. Through practical teamwork experiences, our repertoire covers a variety of influential music styles, playing techniques, and stage performance opportunities open to today's music professional. 女高音歌唱家洪芳
一九九四年考入中国音乐学院声乐系,主修民族声乐,师从郭祥义、邹文琴老师。以优秀成绩毕业,被评为“北京市高等院校优秀毕业生”。毕业后任教于福建艺术学院音乐系。在大学学习及任教期间,她不但醉心于声乐艺术的探索,也活跃于各个文艺舞台进行艺术实践,曾多次参与文化部春节晚会、华东六省一市春节晚会等各类大型文艺演出。现为中国民族声乐研究会会员。Hong, Fang (Grace) 1994 -1998 studied in China Conservatory of Music (Beijing), majored National vocal music, instructed by Prof. Guo Xiang-yi and Zou Wen-qin, etc. She graduated as a Beijing's honor student. After graduated from CCM she was teaching at Fujian College of Arts(Fujian) as a Vocalist Professor of Music. During her college study and teaching career she was engrossed not only in exploring of vocal music, but also in practice on the stage of arts. Fang participated many National-Class Top TV show performances: such as Spring Festival Gala Evening of Chinese Cultural Department, Spring Festival Gala Evening of 6 provinces in Eastern China and many other Major important Artistic Shows in China. Hong, Fang is the member of THE NATIONAL VOCALITY AND ART INSTITUTION OF CHINA. 戏剧女中音歌唱家宋晓花。 毕业于上海音乐学院声乐系,美国北加州中国音乐教师协会会员,中国音乐家协会会员,曾任职于浙江传媒学院音乐学院,美声教研室主任。 宋晓花音域宽广,音色淳厚优美,教学经验丰富,她不但醉心于声乐教学艺术的探索,也活跃于各大文艺舞台进行艺术实践。曾多次中央电视台的的大型文艺演出,多次获得国内外声乐大奖,指导的学生也有多人获得国内外声乐奖项。曾获美国加州第三届国际声乐比赛第一名,北京中国艺术新人选拔大赛美声专业组金奖,CCTV 中央电视台第十一届全国青年歌手大奖赛美声组优秀奖,第五届中国长三角青年歌手大奖赛金奖,第六届新加坡“亚洲明日之星”音乐大赛优秀指导教师奖,中国国际声乐比赛优秀指导教师等多个重要奖项。

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