We are a small family office in MountainView with around 20 people on-site and we are looking for a house chef to cook dinner for us.
Estimated time is 3 hours/day, 4pm-6:30pm ish (Mon-Fri), $25/hour
We will pay for daily ingredients/food and already have a cleaner, so cleaning is not necessary.
Everyone in the office is really friendly and nice.
Experience is necessary, looking for at least 2 years experience in cuisines such as Chinese, Korean, American, Thai, etc.
Location: Near El Camino Real and highway 85
Call or text number in description, Alex
If fluent and more comfortable in Mandarin, call Maggie *number below.
类型 : 家政招聘
诚聘一位人品正直善良, 诚实可靠, 和干净整洁的阿姨. 为公司大约十五个人晚餐,我们会支付买菜的费用. 公司人和善好相处,待遇优厚
不需要清洁, 只负责做饭
时薪: 我们想聘请长期稳定的阿姨,薪资可以面谈商量
工作时间 : 每天3小时, 可商量,可请假
工作地点 : Martens Ave, Mountain View, CA, 94040