本帖最后由 jefferyaimee 于 2020-7-18 11:52 编辑
* 2 Beds | 1 Baths | 450 Sq Ft
* 位于 Fremont Mission San Jose 靠近地铁站, Ohlone college, I-680, I-880, 交通, 购物, 餐饮非常方便.
* 提供冰箱,洗衣/烘干机,电炉, 微波炉,吸油烟机,冷暖空调
* 双层塑钢门窗
* 全屋非常干净整洁
* 最多两位成人,要求干净,安静,有稳定收入,无不良嗜好。
* 随时可以入住
* 禁养宠物,室内禁烟
* 需良好的信用记录和租赁记录。
* 需收入和就业证明。
* 申请人的信用报告和背景调查费用由申请人自行缴纳(大约$35)。
* 至少 1 年租赁合约,签约时缴纳一个月押金($1900)
* 月租1900
* 水电垃圾全包
照片链接: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby ... ent/7161732020.html
Mission area two bedroom & 1 bathroom for rent
- Detached 2beds/1bath at my house back yard, completely separated.
- New Remodeled full bathroom.
- New Roof and exterior stucco Painting.
- New Interior Ceiling.
- Located near Washington Blvd. and Osgood Rd.
- Has own private entrance.
- Microwave, Refrigerator, Washer&Dryer on site
- Close to Fremont Bart Stations
- Easy access to I-680 & I-880
- Ohlone College ----2.1 Miles
- Near VTA bus station (less than 1 minute walk to 210 bus station to Ohlone College
- Near Walmart, CVS , Costco, Safeway, Fry's, gas station.
- Near Fremont Central park (Elizabeth Lake).
- No drugs, no smoking, no pets, no loud party.
- Light Cooking or No Cooking required
- Landlord pays all utility and garbage
- Provide a basic bed frame and dinning table sets.
- Minimal one year lease and $1,900/Month
- one month Security Deposit dependent on income/credit score, Deposit 1th Month Rent due at signing.
-Must verify income, credit report, employment or rental histories
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