It's the time again. Chinese Moon Festival and China National Day Celebration. This tradition has been with us for last 15 years. Let's continue the tradition although we have had very eventful years with the celebration of 70 years World War II Victory Day. Hope you and your organization can join us again this year. Let's enjoy a leisure Sunday afternoon together. Let's cherish another year with many our NCChinese community organizations. Hope see you all, my old and new friends!
金秋送爽,又是一年,新朋老友,你近來可好? 今年恰逢抗戰勝利七十週年慶,九月二十七日正逢中秋佳節,又是國慶將至,各樣種種可歌可慶。 灣區人才濟濟,北加州華人各個社團更是藏龍臥虎,希望你能與我們一起共渡佳節。 表演时间:2015年9月27日 週日 3:30PM--5:00PM(前面是飛揚的中秋園遊會從中午開始) 表演地点:飞扬国际演艺中心 表演地址:International Performing Arts Center and Orchard Farm Shopping Center 報名時間:請於九月二十三日(下週三)前發郵件報名。 Ann or Qing will send back confirmation email with the approximate time for your performance time.
Please specify: 形式:舞蹈,小合唱,琵琶,武術,戲劇。。。 表演節目名稱: 表演單位: 表演者: 聯繫人(電子郵件,電話): Please send us a link for your performance (might not be the exact one that you will perform. But anything similar for us do some quality control here).