2014 CAISS Seminar
Talent Acquisition
--- An inside peek how HR works to acquire the talents in the social network age
No matter you are a new hire graduate, a professional who is ready for your next adventure, or the first line manager who faces the challenge to find the talents in your team, an inside peek of how HR sourcing candidates in the current social network age will be helpful for you to prepare yourself in front of your dream positions/companies or expedite the process to fill the gaps in your team.
Come to join us, and also share your experiences during the discussion. We look forward to seeing you!
Time: 8/17/2014 (Sunday), 1:00PM -- 3:00PM
Venue: 1320 Ridder Park Dr. (AvagoTech), San Jose, 95131
About the speaker:
Helen Guan – a HR manager and adviser with the expertise in recruitment, employee relationship, employment law, and training and development, with over 10 years HR experiences in the middle size, Fortune 500 and headhunter companies.
Helen is a SouthEast University graduate with a degree in electrical engineering; however after her graduation she found her passion in the human resources area. She joined a fortune 500 company in China, and worked as a staffing officer for a business unit of 1000 people before she pursued her master degree in HR in US. Currently Helen severs as a HR manager and leads a HR team in a 1+ billion company in San Jose. In addition, Helen used to work in a SF based headhunter company prior to her current role.