【关于本人】在南湾tech大厂工作 无宠物 不抽烟不喝酒不开趴 很安静 一周大部分时间在公司onsite 偶尔简炊 会保持公共区域卫生整洁 不带过夜客 如果有访客会提前和室友打招呼 生活简单好相处 希望找一位室友 不带宠物 安静好相处 保持公共区域卫生整洁 最好也是在职人士 有信用记录和SSN
【地理位置】在Sunnyvale和Santa Clara的交界地带 距离各大科技公司很近 4 mins to qualcomm santa clara, 6 mins to nvidia, 6 mins to applied Materials, 5 mins to apple Sunnyvale, 8 mins to Amazon Santa Clara, 9 mins to Intel, 13 mins to apple headquarter, 8 mins to Linkedin headquarter, 11 mins to google headquarter, 15 mins to Adobe headquarter, 20 mins to Meta headquarter
【公寓】室内洗烘,Stainless steel GE appliance package,Quartz countertops,walk-in closet,Hardwood-style plank flooring, NEST Thermostats and keyless entry, Gas ranges,
【Amenities】公寓有两个健身房 两个恒温游泳池 Co-working areas and bookable meeting rooms, Two rooftop decks with social spaces and TVs, Savoy Green central park, Two indoor/outdoor fitness studios, Two clubroom lounges, Bike parking, Two courtyards with BBQs, dining areas, and 75’ heated pools, Pet spa and relief area, Two outdoor fireplaces 小区有专门的快递柜 不需要担心快递被偷
【户型】2b2b 面积很大 1268 Sqft, 两个卧室被客厅隔开 相距很远 互不干扰
【入住时间】 最好即日起到8月初 入住时间好商量
【价格】算上优惠$1980/mo 包室内停车位 covered and gated parking spot 车可以停在住的楼层非常方便 不需要等电梯