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SYNC 2017: US China AI Summit









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发表于 2017-7-7 15:01:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Hottest AI event this Summer!
Featuring Vish Makhijani, CEO of Udacity, Fengmin Gong, VP of Didi Chuxing, Peter Welinder, AI Researcher at OpenAI, Gil Penchina, Partner at IDG Ventures and many more distinguished speakers----PingWest, the leading online technology media company with a presence in both China and the United States, is hosting its annual SYNC event for the 5th time!
This time in the heart of Silicon Valley, SYNC 2017 will feature a select group of outstanding entrepreneurs and executives, distinguished technologists, and accomplished investors from both the US and China for talks on the things that matter most to the future of tech, including machine intelligence, autonomous driving, cross-border innovation and investing, and more.
Last year's tickets sold out quickly, so don't hesitate. SPOILER ALERT: we will be giving away some cool stuff for you to take home with. See below for MORE INFO...


10:00 Opening Remark
Thomas Luo, Founder & CEO of PingWest
10:10 -10:30 Keynote: People vs. Intelligent Machine? Where We Stand
Fengmin Gong, VP of Didi Chuxing, Co-founder of Palo Alto Networks
10:30-10:50 Keynote:
Vish Makhijani, CEO of Udacity
10:50-11:10 Keynote: AI at the Heart of the Mobile Internet
Charles Fan, CTO of Cheeta Mobile
11:10-11:40 Fireside Chat: Future of Work Powered by AI
Peter Welinder, AI researcher at OpenAI;
Xuezhao Lan, Partner of a stealth venture fund
11:40 - 12:20 Panel: AI: From Research to Application
Maya Ackerman, Assistant Professor, SJSU
Hanlin Tang, Senior AI Researcher, Intel
Xiaobing Liu, Staff Software Engineer at Google Brain
Rama Akkiraju, Distinguished Engineer at IBM Watson
12:20 -13:20 PM Lunch Break
(Stay around and network! Lunch is included in your admission.)
13:20- 14:00 Panel: Racing against Time: When Will Self-driving Car Be Ready?
Amy Gu, Partner of Hemi Ventures
Josh Hartung, Founder of PolySync
Peter Pyun, Principal Solutions Architect at NVIDIA
David Liu, Founder of PlusAI
14:00- 14:20 Keynote: Genomics to Personalized Drugs: Precision Oncology
Subarna Sinha, Program Lead of SRI International
14:20 – 14:40 Keynote: Disruptive Innovation in FinTech
Paul J. Walsh, SVP, Platform Strategy & Innovation, VISA
14:40-15:20 Panel: The Rise of Tokens & ICOs & Its Impacts to Funding Landscape
Gil Penchina, Partner at IDG Ventures, Investor of Paypal, LinkedIn, Cruise
Joey Krug, Co-founder of Augur; Partner of Pantera Capital
Moderator: Allen Hsu, Venture Partner at Sparkland Capital
15:20-15:40 Keynote: Cloud Machine Learning Practice in China
Moca Huangfu, Cofounder of Ting Cloud
15:40- 15:55 Keynote: How Robots Become Part of Our Daily Lives?
Mengqiu Wang, Founder of Zero Zero Robotics
15:55-16:15 Keynote:
Daniel Seah, CEO of Digital Domain (Visual Effects for Titanic, Transformers, etc.)
16:15- 16:30 Keynote: How to Design the AI Device of the Future
Joe Murray, VP Global Technology, Frog
16:30 -17:10 Panel: Cross-border Investment
Jim Mao, Partner at WestSummit Capital
Jason Costa, Partner at GGV Capital
Shuonan Chen, Founding Partner of Agile VC
Moderator: Rebecca Fannin, Founder of Silicon Dragon

Just when you think tech events couldn't be more fun... We will be giving away some cool Hover Camera selfie drones (featured in Apple Store) and Teforia smart tea infusers to lucky attendees!

时间:Fri, July 14, 2017
9:30 AM – 5:00 PM PDT

地点:Computer History Museum
1401 North Shoreline Boulevard
Mountain View, CA 94043
United States

链接:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/syn ... tickets-35189794623

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