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加州大学戴维斯分校汽车创新创业论坛NAAIEC2017 UC Davis Forum









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-12-2 02:13:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

NAAIEC2017 UC Davis Forum "Automotive Revolution and Autonomous " 12/2/2017.

On Dec 2nd, 2nd North American Automotive Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition, NAAIEC2017 campus forum series will launch University of California Davis Forum. With great support of UCD CSSA, the NAAIEC2017 UCD Forum theme "Automotive Revolution and Autonomous" will focus on both technical innovations and autonomous safety concerns. The Keynote and panel speakers will share their perspective and vision on technical innovations and related safety issues about the automotive industry.

Time: December 2nd, 2017, 13:00-17:00

Venue: 1127, UC Davis Kemper Hall(工程学院院楼), 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616

Organizer: Alex Li

Tentative Schedule:
13:00 - 13:30 Check-in & Registration
13:30 - 16:00 Keynotes and discussion panels from VIP speakers:

1. 高旭 / NACSAE加州分会副会长 / 北美汽车创新创业大赛介绍
2. 王云石教授 / 加州大学戴维斯分校中国交通能源中心主任 /
3. 王中民 / NACSAE加州分会会长 / 无人驾驶系统
4. 刘鹏 / 北汽创投副总裁 /
5. Danny Liou / / 高能涌浪保护器件,车用电子专用保护(HETVS)
6. 陈军 / / 智能车载显示系统
7. 赵睿忱 / / 基于梯次利用电池的储能微网系统

[ With more speakers to be confirmed...]

16:00 - 17:00 Networking Session

2nd North American Automotive Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition - NAAIEC 2017

North America Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum (NAIEF) has launched the 2nd North American Automotive Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition (NAAIEC 2017)! At the same time, the competition is also the North American Section of 2nd International New Energy and Intelligent Vehicle Competition of China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition directed by China Committee of Electric Vehicles 100 Members (China EV100). Numerous innovation entrepreneurship opportunities are provided by the competition together with a good deal of prices, and the top 5 teams will be selected as finalists. Individuals or companies with innovation projects in the automotive industry are all accepted, if there are no intellectual property rights disputes or other types of legal disputes between teams. Participation and support from any innovators and professionals are welcomed and appreciated. For registration, please send a message and a roadshow PPT to the Email address naief4ev@gmail.com before November 30th, 2017.

The Final Round of the NAAIEC 2017 is set to a grand opening at Silicon Valley on January 13rd, 2018, right after The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2018). Volunteers, investors, and sponsors are also sincerely wanted, for more information, please contact us directly at naief4ev@gmail.com. Registration site: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd ... tickets-39105839619

第二届北美汽车创新创业大赛NAAIEC2017决赛将于CES大会之后的2018年1月13日在美国硅谷隆重举行。诚招参赛项目、志愿者、投资商和赞助商,了解更多信息,请直接联系:naief4ev@gmail.com,参会注册链接:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd ... tickets-39105839619

报名要求: 不限专业领域,不限国籍,不限签证类别。只要没有知识产权纠纷,任何拥有汽车领域相关创新创业项目的企业和个人均可报名参赛。欢迎各位创新创业者的支持和参与,请将参赛项目路演PPT在截止日2017年11月30日之前发送至参赛报名邮箱:naief4ev@gmail.com
北美校园汽车创新创业论坛系列活动是第二届北美汽车创新创业大赛- 中创赛第二届国际新能源及智能汽车大赛2017北美赛区的项目征集活动的一部分。相关活动正在全美展开,欢迎大家关注支持7月29日密西根大学论坛、8月13日斯坦福大学论坛、8月26日多伦多大学论坛、8月26日芝加哥校园论坛、9月2日密西根 奥克兰大学论坛、9月21-23日上海 商务部展会汽车双创论坛、9月27日麻省理工学院论坛、10月14日密西根州立大学论坛、10月16日西雅图 华盛顿大学论坛、10月28日加州大学伯克利论坛、10月28日俄亥俄州立大学论坛、11月4日密西根大学Dearborn分校论坛、11月18日普渡大学论坛、12月2日加州大学戴维斯论坛、12月2日密西根大学论坛等20多场校园论坛活动。

时间:Sat, December 2, 2017
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM PST

地点:1130 UC Davis Bainer Hall 机械系楼
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
United States

链接:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/naa ... 1g%2BzQvFV0Kg%3D%3D

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