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[教育培训] NSJ/Milpitas天空合唱团SKY Children's Choir春季免费试课









Rank: 2

发表于 2018-1-24 22:18:00 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
报名链接 https://www.atgedu.com/sky2018/
* B) o* n, a# t9 [% Z+ f0 M0 m
2 b5 P- }: [. {- F1 SNSJ/Milpitas天空合唱团SKY Children's Choir春季open rehearsal(免费试课)将在下周二1/30举行。( p: L4 k% [7 d2 W
2 X4 l8 c2 y" D0 S0 l: \; F( B: R
5-6岁小歌唱家班 1/30 Tue 6:15-7PM
0 ?! E1 n+ ?8 _$ W/ Z3 ^7-12岁 天空合唱团 1/30 Tue 7-8PM" [1 f% l% o* Y  F: F7 l
) G: ~6 J! B+ w+ D
地点 2688 Berryessa Rd, San Jose 95132
# d! @0 Z( I9 d7 o0 r9 V- }4 Z0 M
  U3 S; H0 e9 G9 I报名及更多信息见
2 s6 |3 K$ }5 L8 t& q# }6 Y- @0 w, ^  z0 t" A
' Y4 J, X0 v1 @3 s------------------------------------------------------------
4 m7 n+ a% P. q  L* W3 lSKY Children’s Choir 天空合唱团9 ?% {. Z( d9 X( w+ _$ k* g6 A0 K
SKY Children’s Choir 2018 Spring+ K2 a& f  Z7 Z& k
2 e) d( `& h/ m/ b9 R
>>Click here to fill up the form and join to the FREE open rehearsal<<
6 J$ L' A# A/ `8 {2 f2 O; r7 @& O
) R( V; D0 L  [& T' P: q. C6 v. c4 A2018 Spring OPEN Rehearsal. ~- ^9 h8 ]- x" U

* v% B( J4 W; K4 Y: f* G# |6 YLittle Singer Group: JAN 30, Tuesday 6:15-7PM (ages 5-6)
% q; Y9 F" R0 B+ {' Y: s  x
  b, w- \! p- l( x  X- WSKY Children’s Choir: JAN 30, Tuesday 7-8PM (ages 7-12)" X5 `  A  i( C/ Z4 U2 `  R9 ~: b- y

; j' |8 @3 L* z0 Z8 qLocation: 2688 Berryessa Rd, San Jose 95132 (ATG Music & Agape Learning Center)3 N; A, \# \# |
3 _- @7 q" [1 E4 X' o; z5 |  L- K3 d
>>Click here to fill up the form and join to the FREE open rehearsal<<8 I5 s! ^$ j; ]  `
# K" y& D5 T3 ]5 d
SKY Children’s Choir 2018 Spring7 k0 l  s$ [  l0 n% _
: N1 o% w, L0 I% ?* G
Rehearsal (Class) Schedule: Every TUESDAY 6:15-8PM" X" E9 Y# |9 q1 t6 _7 Z

& i# @/ V1 x. P* f! F8 RTuition: $370
9 X$ C' n9 S8 [: C8 Q' l& G) ]+ t: A" V" N& n/ a6 |- y
including Registration$30, Material Fee$10, Concert Fee$10, and Tuition $320 (16 rehearsal/class total)% E" u" |5 X+ Y& B% S8 h! z8 W( N
2 O3 A- \. y& p
+ R/ u3 k& ]) V- R$ K4 l% L# s2 f9 r9 q9 ~
Mar 27, TUE Spring Music Party (open rehearsal). I; R- D" h+ p  N* J' g9 j1 }% @9 o

" c$ l" |5 B* {4 ]- S/ wMay 19, SAT 6PM ATG Music Concert at Trianon Theatre (Main Hall)7 ^, S2 O1 A/ Z& ~
$ n% ?$ W5 N% v
9 @) ~7 Z. |% ^
Director/Conductor Clement Cano, A- Z. k! C5 Y6 d

9 T3 p! z' w" M. q/ I6 [8 jClement Cano holds a degree in music from San Jose State University studying voice from Professor Joseph Frank and is currently pursuing a Masters in Music Education. He is currently in his fifth year teaching music at Merryhill School Milpitas. He started singing in choirs in 1991 with Saringhimig under the direction of George Hernandez. In 1995 he joined the San Jose State University Choraliers under the direction of Dr. Charlene Archibeque where he also served as a section leader and assistant student conductor. He has traveled and performed at regional and national American Choral Directors’ Association conventions as well as international festivals and choral competitions throughout many countries in Europe. Along those travels he has had the privilege to work with many renowned conductors in workshops and master classes including Paul Salamunovich, Rodney Eichenberger, and renowned Swedish Conductor, Eric Ericsson. Having played ice hockey almost as long as singing in choirs, Mr. Cano is still happy to have all his teeth.- U3 N( ~7 w# M4 m# x9 ?

! s% |5 [. z0 I% T* fBaba Yetu- Lord’s Prayer in Swahili, Conducted by Clement Cano
9 f% {: ?3 k; K4 g+ W9 ]0 zhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBAErxj3KUY
! |2 ~% a8 d' p6 v" Y7 P& _# W
, g9 }; }$ G. x) p* R( C3 TGrace Trout (Little Singer Group instructor)& P) e* W& F* s3 g
+ ^) ~6 @1 \1 {: m6 H2 i

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