Cupertino武馆场地分租! k( Q( `' Y$ I7 Y0 E6 \: I
有一武馆,1250平方英尺,有训练场地和美术、中文教学教室,在DE ANZA 大街,位置好,停车方便,适应武术、跆拳道、舞蹈、瑜伽、音乐、美术等,每周可对外出租2天,也可按小时租用,租金可面议。
: a; T. n% i* d, @( U9 M0 D地址:1084 S de anza blvd san jose ca 95129
( V7 r/ v1 H' S6 l T# m( U电话:408-896-0999 - c- X- H- k" N: w" b1 U
* I* h! p" q! C. F2 a+ J( @# hThere is a martial arts hall, 1,250 square feet, with training grounds and art and Chinese teaching classrooms. It is located on DE ANZA Street. It has good location and convenient parking. It is suitable for martial arts, taekwondo, dance, yoga, music, art, etc. It can be rented for 2 days per week. It can also be rented on an hourly basis and the rent can be negotiable.) t4 e: O% H7 j0 N) B- m6 p
Address: 1084 S de anza blvd san jose ca 951298 t+ l) j# O! ~
Phone: 408-896-0999
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